Sunday, September 29, 2013

Chongli’s Former Residences

The former residence of Chongli, secretary of the Grand Council during the reign period of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, is located at 63 & 65 Dongsi Liutiao Xikou in Dongcheng District.

Chongli’s Former Residences
Chongli, styled Shouzhi and surnamed Jiang, was a Chinese White Bannerman and was related to the royal family by marriage. He was conferred the title of grant secretary of the Eastern Hall in the Forbidden City and later grant secretary of the Chamber of Literary Profundity in 1990, the 26th year of Emperor Guangxu’s reign. Covering an area of over 10,000 square meters, it was known as the“biggest in Dongcheng district.”During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Ag- gression (1937-1945), it was bought by Zhang Yanqing, presi- dent of the quisling Xinmin (New People) Association. He was the son of Zhang Zhidong, a grand secretary of the late Qing Dynasty.

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