Monday, October 14, 2013

Tian Han’s Former Residences

Located at 9 Xiguan Hutong (Fine Tube Lane), Dongsi Beidajie in Dongcheng District, this was where Tian Han lived in Beijing since 1953.
Tian Han’s Former Residences
Tian Han (1898-1968), originally called Tian Shouchang, was from Changsha in Hunan Province. An outstanding dramatist, poet, active artist and member of the Chinese Communist Party, he was also an organizer and leader of music movement as well as a forerunner of re- form in traditional operas. He wrote the lyrics to the national anthem of the People’s Republic of China. After 1949, he was appointed director of the Art Bureau of the Ministry of Culture, vice- chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and chairman of the China Drama- tistsAssociation.

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