Saturday, October 12, 2013

Cheng Yanqiu’s Former Residences

This is located at 39 Xisi Beidajie Santiao in Xicheng District. Cheng Jianqiu lived here since 1937.
Cheng Yanqiu’s Former Residences
Cheng Yanqiu (1904-58), a native of Beijing, was of the Manchu ethnic group. As a famous Peking Opera actor, he was re- garded as one of the four great Peking Opera performers of the female dan role (the three others being Mei Lanfang, Xun Huisheng and Shang Xiaoyun). He shaped his own style and gave birth to the Cheng school. After 1949, he was vice-presi- dent of Chinese Traditional Opera Academy and standing member of the China Dramatists Association.

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