Sunday, October 6, 2013

Yang Changji’s Former Residences

Located at 15 Doufuchi Hutong behind the Drum Tower in Dongcheng district, this was where Yang Changji lived in Beijing since 1918.
Yang Changji’s Former Residences
Yang Changji(1871-1920), a native of Hunan Province, was the father Yang Kaihui [first wife of late chairman Mao Zedong] and also Mao Zedong’s teacher. Originally an ethic teacher at the First Hunan Provin- cial Normal School, he was invited to teach as a professor at Peking University in 1918. When Mao Zedong came to Beijing to organize mem- bers of the New People’s Society to go to France on a work-study program, he stayed at Yang Changji’s home together with his comrade Cai Hesen.

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